Title: Wildin - Original art piece by Canadian artist Kacie Avery.
Made with: Moulding Clay
Painting with: Arylic paint
Seal with: Epoxy
“Wildin” is a first for artist Kacie Avery stepping away from the spray paint and exploring 3d art in this unique hand sculpted ash tray. This piece is inspired by the chaotic beauty that lies within the heart of people who don't just choose to be different but are different.
Stay weird, stay wildin but stay tidy with an ash tray bound to be a conversation starter!
By purchasing through the website, you immediately obtain ownership of the painting. Following this, you will be directly contacted to discuss delivery options. I offer pick-up and free delivery within 1.5 hours of Ottawa. Prices vary when shipping via mail, which will be calculated based on your location.
If you have any inquiries about anything, please reach out through the “Contact Me” section of my site!
Thanks for poppin’ by! :)